Common Ground Organic Garden Center

Common Ground in Palo Alto, CA is a project of Ecology action, and provides a wide selection of applied classes and events in sustainable living and organic gardening, seeds and plant starts, tools and garden supplies, a demonstration garden, and a community of fellow farmers and gardeners.
Upcoming events include classes in seed saving, seed propagation, double -digging and composting, taught by Ecology Action's staff and apprentices, as well as a series of GROW BIOINTENSIVE subjects taught by Ecology Action's Director John Jeavons.
If you are near Palo Alto, and are interested in sustainable living, please stop by and see us!
Click here see a schedule of classes!
Special Offers
As a celebration of our first
e-newsletter, we're offering a
special opportunity:
Join Ecology Action or make a donation
through January 31, 2011 and we'll enter you in a drawing
to win your choice of two tickets to a
3-Day GROW BIOINTENSIVE Workshop held at Ecology Action's Research Garden in Willits, CA, or a garden starter kit with books and seeds from Bountiful Gardens!
Make a Donation or Become a Member of Ecology Action!
Sign up for a 2011 Three-Day GROW BIOINTENSIVE workshop with Ecology Action in Willits, CA before June 30, 2011
get a coupon good for
$10 dollars off your next
at Bountiful Gardens
or Common Ground in Palo Alto!*
Find a Workshop

Download a Free 2010 Catalog from Bountiful Gardens (3.78 MB PDF)
Bountiful Gardens: Seeds, Tools and Books Online
The new 7th edition of John Jeavons' classic Biointensive gardening handbook, How to
More Vegetables...
is updated with the latest information, has a foreword
Alice Waters, and is available, along with organic seeds,
quality tools and other books, articles and videos on sustainable living
from Ecology Action's online
Bountiful Gardens.
Click here to shop Bountiful Gardens!
"Maybe a person's time would be as well spent raising food as raising money to buy food." - Frank A. Clark
The GROW BIOINTENSIVE method developed by Ecology Action uses small-scale, organic, non-mechanized food-raising techniques to create a way of life that is both abundant and sustainable. It is successfully being used in 141 countries around the world. When using the GROW BIOINTENSIVE method correctly, farmers and gardeners have the potential to:
• Use 67% to 88% less water.
• Buy 50% to 100% less fertilizer than standard organic or conventional methods.
• Expend 94%-99% less energy than conventional agriculture, while using a fraction of the resources.
• Increase yields by 200-600%.
• Build soil up to 60 times faster than in nature, and increase soil fertility by 100% or more.
• Reduce the amount of land under cultivation by 50% or more, increasing the wild land available to support biodiversity and ecosystem stability.
• Sequester significant amounts of carbon in the soil to help alleviate global warming.
• Create a healthy, sustainable mini-ecosystem that can grow delicious food and provide a modest income almost indefinitely!
Read More... |
Other Links Of Interest
John Jeavons' Website: Workshops, Biography, "A World of Hope".
The RenewAll Garden Project Website: A website sponsored by Ecology Action where you can find anwers and inspiration.
Garden Hints
Winter is on the horizon, and there's a lot to do in the garden! Here are some things you can
do to prepare your garden for winter:
• When
many growing areas
empty, do soil testing to
for Spring gardens. We
the basic and trace-mineral
package available online at:
• Build compost piles as you
cleaning up summer garden
beds. Compost is free, and it builds healthy, productive soil!
• Learn the hard and soft frost dates for your region (click here
for US dates) and be prepared
to protect plants from frost
with row covers.
• Fall is the time to plant bulbs! Plant onions and garlic to harvest next summer, and ornamental bulbs for beautiful blooms in the spring!!
• At the end of the season, clean, sharpen and oil garden
and handles, including
wooden handles, to be ready for the
next planting season.
Want more? Subscribe to our e-newsletters by clicking the link below.
In the News
John Jeavons discusses soil fertility, the future of sustainability and the GROW BIOINTENSIVE Mini-Farming method in the
March 2010
issue of Ode Magazine,
in the article
The Joy
of Dirt!
Click here to read the article!
*Coupon good for $10 off any single purchase of $50 or more at Bountiful Gardens' online store or at Common Ground in Palo Alto. Limit one coupon per person. Offer limited to Ecology Action workshops held in 2011. Registration and payment for the workshop must be made by 6/30/2011; coupon valid through 12/31/2011. You must pay for and attend the workshop you sign up for in order to receive your coupon. Offer cannot be combined with other offers, or discounts. |