Organic Pest Control Spray
From The Prairie Homestead (

Makes 1 gallon
1 medium onion
4 cloves garlic
2 c mint leaves or 20 drops peppermint essential oil
2 Tbsp cayenne pepper
2 Tbsp liquid castile soap (or biodegradable liquid dish soap)
Place the onion, garlic, peppermint, and cayenne in a food processer and blend.
Place in a large bowl and add one gallon of water.
Allow the mixture to soak for two hours, and then strain with a fine-meshed strainer, catching the liquid.
Put the onion/garlic mixture in a one-gallon container (a plastic milk bottle or vinegar jug works well).
Add the soap, and then add the liquid from the soak.
Add additional water if needed to make one gallon.
Pour into a spray bottle and spray on any plants being attacked by bugs.
Spray 1–2 times per week, and after a heavy rain.
Make sure you use a fine-meshed strainer, or maybe cheese cloth, to strain the mixture. Otherwise the sprayer will clog.
Try to avoid the parts of the plant you want to eat, so you don't end up with a little extra "flavoring".
It is best to spray in the evening when it's cooler; otherwise, there's a risk of the spray and sun combination burning the leaves of the plants a bit.
It isn't necessary to spray the entire garden, just the plants being eaten the most.
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