Comunidad Biointensiva: A Growing Friendship
By Patricia Mayagoitia, 2001 EA intern,
currently working with Juan Manuel Martinez of ECOPOL

Seed sharing in Ecuador
PHOTO CREDIT: Eduar Pinzon
The GROW BIOINTENSIVE (GB) community has grown significantly in Latin America and the Caribbean since it began in the 1980s, involving a diverse range of organizations and individuals from most of the countries of the region. In an effort to develop solid communication among them, Ecologia y Población A.C. (ECOPOL) created the online forum COMUNIDAD BIOINTENSIVA, Here people interested in teaching and promoting the Biointensive method share their experiences, information and questions
The website was started in 2010 and currently has 1,368 members from 97 countries. To be part of this online community a person creates an account. The site is displayed in Spanish, but some members can answer questions in English as well. .
The site enables users to build their own profile, present their work and interests, create a list of friends, receive private messages from other members, upload photos and videos, participate in groups and discussions, share job opportunities and announce upcoming events and workshops. This allows users to relate to others with similar goals, challenges, and climate and to build friendships. As a result, inspiring and successful stories of organizations and farmers who work to achieve sustainable agriculture, seed diversity and food sovereignty are shared.
The site also contains a section of scientific articles, GB materials and a broad selection of publications related to sustainable agriculture and seed and food production. To ensure the site functions properly, ECOPOL assigned a group of knowledgeable people to monitor content and respond to comments and questions promptly.
COMUNIDAD BIOINTENSIVA invites you to visit the site and read its bimonthly newsletter presenting stories of successful Biointensive farmers around Latin America and the Caribbean. You'll also find a selection of local recipes, additional information regarding GB and more. Or you can follow related publications on Facebook at
This website has allowed a relatively small group of people with a strong interest in learning and practicing GB to become a family. The number of certified GB teachers has increased through the sharing and interaction available at COMUNIDAD BIOINTENSIVA. For more information please contact Juan Manuel Martinez, ecopolac [at]; Marisol Tenorio, biointensivo.marisol [at]; or Susana Hernández, arcazana [at]
Related topics:
Juan Manuel Martinez sends an Update from Latin America in this issue
Find Latin American Biointensive workshops and class listings here!

November 29, 2016. Summit of Semillas Libres (Seeds of Freedom Summit),
in Xochimilco, Mexico. Marisol Tenorio presented.
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