The Jeavons Center Mini-Farm Report
by John Jeavons,
Executive Director, Ecology Action

“Think of any subject in the same way you think about the structure of a tree. Think of the stout trunk and spectacular boughs branching off into hundreds, maybe thousands of individual lessons, each of those lessons containing a multitude of leaflets for you to thumb through on your pursuit of knowledge. Now think of the part that you don’t see, but without which, there would be no tree, I'm talking of course about the root of the subject. The inner workings of the physical world upon which every tree is grown, every subject is built and every leaflet is written. I want you to approach your pursuit of knowledge in a nonlinear sense, realizing that within every leaflet there is a map of the universe, within every leaf there is a map of the tree, and within you there is an answer to every question that you may come across on this pursuit of knowledge. ”
– Sage Miller, TJC FTT, 19 years old
Clearly, the plants are rooting for us to succeed!
Reading the perceptive and beautiful thoughts on the holographic nature of knowledge and learning as a part of the the natural world written by TJC's newest Farmer-Teacher Trainer (FTT) Sage Miller (above), you can see why, in the midst of this tumultuous time, I continue to have hope for the future. Of course, it's not always easy: 2020 was an "interesting" year for Ecology Action, as it was for pretty much everyone around the world. Corona virus and wildfires presented their challenges and learning curves, but an 8-Month Zoom Internship with a bumper crop of global participants and a 3-Saturdays Zoom Workshop in November with participants from across the US and as far away as Sri Lanka provided progress and inspiration for the ever-growing Global GROW BIOINTENSIVE Family!
So far, 2021 appears to be continuation on a theme: the pandemic is still going strong, and climate change is driving disruptive weather systems here and across the globe, impacting farms, farmers, the food supply chain for billions of people. Now more than ever, it is vital for everyone to know how to grow food and soil, sustainably. So Ecology Action is forging ahead with our work as source of global GROW BIOINTENSIVE information and inspiration, and our goal is the same as it has been for almost 50 years: to catalyze people everywhere to become proactive in growing their own soil, food, and thriving ecosystems.
Our 2021 online training programs include an 8-Month Internship ( and our spring 3-Day Introductory GROW BIOINTENSIVE Workshop (, transformed into a 3-Saturdays online extravaganza, both using Zoom to reach as many people as possible. So far we've got a lot of good people signed up for both, and it's not too late to join in!
The Jeavons Center Mini-Farm 2021 activities will include:
- Establishing three experimental 10-Bed Units
(10BU) in our limiting serpentine soil, each
potentially providing a complete one-person
diet and soil-growing combination in as little
as a 1,000 square-foot growing area. This work
complements the ongoing 10BU research at our Victory
Gardens for Peace site, as well as other locations globally.
You might think such a small space would mean a
diet design lacking in variety, but that's not the case! An
example of one 10BU garden plan to be grown by FTT
Sage Miller (diet design sketch, above) includes plenty
of variety with onions, parsnips, leeks, turnips, pumpkins,
potatoes, eggplant, kale, sorghum, tomatoes, cucumbers,
zucchini, broccoli, flax, rice, dahlias, okra,
medicinal herbs, and Sunn hemp. FTT Melvin Castrillo
will be growing a another 10BU with a version of a typical
Mexican diet..
(If you are not familiar with Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.), it is a tropical/sub-tropical legume from India, and is used as a green manure, a livestock feed, a fiber crop, and a nitrogen-fixer. While it can be invasive if not properly managed, when grown as a summer annual in a temperate region like TJC, Sunn hemp can produce over 5,000 pounds of biomass and 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre (11.47 lbs biomass/100 sq ft, .2295 lbs nitrogen/100 sq ft) in short 60 to 90
days, giving it significant per day potential to sequester carbon and build soil organic matter levels. It is known to suppress plant-parasitic nematodes, making it helpful to future growing cycles, and the nitrogen it fixes in the soil can feed small grains in rotation, reducing the need for imported fertilizers. If used as a green manure, it must be dug under before reaching the full bloom or it becomes too fibrous and uses up its fixed nitrogen to bloom and seed. While some species of Crotalaria, including C. juncea, contain toxic alkaloids, in their seeds and pods, the variety "Tropic Sun" is non-toxic.)
- Conducting legume interplanting experiments to focus on growing crops and soil fertility in the smallest
area at the same time, through well-chosen crop
pairings. I have written about this process previously and am eager to see the results of
these experiments in this year's garden data.
- Conducting seed grow-outs to ensure a better reserve
stock of seeds at TJC in the future. We will focus
on grains, possibly up to five special varieties of barley
that can mature and be harvested much faster than
wheat, which is important in our 5-month growing season.
We also plan to grow out rice, which you may find
surprising, because it's a common misconception that
rice can't be grown in cooler weather, or that it's a water-
intensive crop. Actually, rice is successfully grown
as far north as Hokkaido Japan, and we'll be growing
out the M-101 variety, which is the coolest-weather rice
available through the California Rice Experiment Station.
Rice doesn’t need to be grown in a flooded field or
"paddy" to succeed: one grower near Sacramento grew
rice in raised GB beds and informed us they got a high
yield compared with average wet-field growing conditions.
We have grown rice at TJC before, but in these
grow-outs we would focus on the special temperature
and pH requirements for the M-101 variety.
- Implementing a food storage system and diet
design for reserve food stock. If there's one thing 2020
made clear, it's that along with growing your own food,
it's important to have 1) a backup stock (growing perhaps
20% more to provide for an emergency or a bad
crop year is a good idea) and 2) a reliable way to store it.
In this experiment, we aim to achieve a 2.5 to 6-month
food supply depending on the number of people on site.
The storage system will use special 6-gallon resealable
buckets, and the diet will be designed using foods that
store well, provide good nutrition, and do not require
a special environment other than sealed containers
and a cool, dry space. For example, when designing a
food storage diet, consider that brown rice can rapidly
go rancid at room temperature, while lentils are full of
protein, easy to cook, come in many beautiful colors,
and store well at room temperature. When designing
and using a food storage system, it's also important to
keep track of how much of each food you eat per month
and to rotate the stock to keep your stores fresh. Once
we perfect our storage diet plan over time, we will incorporate
the information into a booklet for wider use.
- Growing a "living fence" to keep the garden safe,
provide biodiversity/pollinator support, and keep deer
out (see article in this issue).
- Improving TJC seed storage system. Our seed system
will ensure all seeds are filed by name, in packets
sufficient to plant a given area, rotated out to guarantee
germination and vigor, with practical information from
the HTGMV Master Charts on each packet to help staff
and interns plant and grow crops easily and successfully.
- Sponsoring the GROW BIOINTENSIVE® Soil
Test Analysis and Amendment Recommendation
(STAAR) Training Program with EA Soil
Fertility Advisor John Beeby as master teacher. The
STAAR program is the thin edge of the wedge needed
to reverse the rapid depletion of the world’s farming
soils, and focuses on educating GB farmers and farmer-
leaders to understand and use soil test analysis and
scientific soil amendment recommendation standards
to build lasting and sustainable soil fertility now and
into the future. The initiative includes development of
ten 10-Bed Unit Soil Test Stations in different soils,
climates, and ecosystems around the world, costing
only a fraction of a cent per person in the world which
over time can ultimately be affected. The program and
its 15 participants are ready to begin work as soon as
funding is secured.
As you read this issue, you will see the how Biointensive
projects are growing around the
world, helping to heal the Earth
its people, right where they
are. We love our Global GROW
BIOINTENSIVE Family and are
proud of the work we and our
partners do. We look forward
to growing strong with you
through 2021 and beyond!
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