Want to see where work?
Take a tour of Ecology Action's world-class mini-farm research site:
— 2-Hour Introductory Tours —
Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
May 14, June 14, July 19,
August 16 and September 20
— Full-Day Tours —
Saturday, June 7, 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 22, 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 2, 9 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.
Click here to register online.
Looking for Volunteers
Ecology Action is looking for two volunteers interested in helping us provide extra online material for our online newsletter. This would involve short hours working from your home anywhere in the world.
• A person with good writing skills who can turn materials sent to you into concise, interesting articles for our online newsletter.
• An experienced website manager who would place the articles mentioned above onto our website. Graphic design would not be required.
Please reply to Jason McNabb:
jasonmcnabb [at] growbiointensive [dot] org.
About our The Garden Companion eNewsletter
Editors: Karen Gridley and Mary Zellachild
Graphic Design, Online Version: Shannon Joyner
Editorial Assistance: Carol Cox
Graphic Design, Print Version: Sue Ellen Parkinson
Contributors:Patricia Becker, John Beeby, Jake Blehm, Betsy Bruneau, Eric Buteyn, Vincent Fedeli, Cynthia Jeavons, John Jeavons, and GROW BIOINTENSIVE friends from around the world.
The print version of this Newsletter is published
3 times per year. The eNewsletter follows soon after.
Currently Certified
Click here for more info
Pedro Almoguera Sanchez,
Madrid, Spain
Adriana Barriga Valdéz
Mexico City, Mexico ady_chapiss@hotmail.com
Gustavo Campos
Jocotepec, Jalisco, Mexico gustavoh41@hotmail.com
Nikki Duncan Kula,
Hawaii, USA
Felicia Echeverría Hermoso
San José, Costa Rica
Omar García Ramírez
Tepotzotlán, Estado de México, Mexico cnidaria_86@hotmail.com
Mateo Gonzalez López
Tepotzotlán, Estado de México, Mexico mgonzalez@xochitla.org.mx
Alma Isabel Guzmán Molina
Querétaro, Mexico aisabel.guzmanm@gmail.com
Valeria Guzmán Robles
Mexico City, Mexico vampiromorpha08@hotmail.com
Gabriela Lucas Decke
Querétaro, Mexico glucas@prodigy.net.mx
Agueda Edith Martinez Mateos
Mexico City, Mexico edith.martinez@semarnat.gob.mx
Laura Patricia Mayagoitia Caraveo
Santa Barbara, Chihuahua, Mexico patitamaya@gmail.com
Clara Isabel Sabas Soto
& Gerardo Zarate Vargas
Malinaltepec, Guerrero, Mexico ckler9@hotmail.com
Rosa Elena Velásquez Molina & Francisco Ruiz Orozco Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico octi96@yahoo.com.mx fcoruizco@prodigy.nex.mx
Common Ground Organic Garden Center

Common Ground in Palo Alto, CA is a project of Ecology action, and provides a wide selection of applied classes and events in sustainable living and organic gardening, seeds and plant starts, tools and garden supplies, a demonstration garden, and a community of fellow farmers and gardeners.
If you are near Palo Alto, and are interested in sustainable living, please stop by and see us!
Click here see a schedule of classes! |
Memberships Support
Our Work!
Ecology Action is a non-profit,
environmental, research and education organization, focusing on sustainable
ways of living in general and
mini-farming in particular.
Membership Levels:
$40 Supporting
$60 Family
$100 Sustaining
$250 Outreach
$400 Research
$1,000 Program
$4,000 Benefactor
$10,000+ Legacy
— Bequests—
Ecology Action now has Bequest plans, including charitable remainder trusts and annuities, available for those who wish to support our important global self-help food-raising network into the future.
Contact John Jeavons at Ecology Action for more information, (707) 459-0150.
