Ecology Action's 5-Month Main Growing Season and Annual Garden Calendar

EA has created a Garden Calendar with recommendations and checklists to use each month. Here are some thoughts and ideas on how to use this calendar.
The more you garden, the more you'll find that it's fun, exciting, and a good practice to plan 3 to 6 months ahead. This sort of foresight can make your life easier, your harvests more successful, and your plants happier.
Planning and record-keeping are important tools for a successful garden from year to year, and things you write down now could help make a better harvest next year. Use the calendar to make notes which you can refer to as needed next season.
As you learn about new varieties and gardening practices, write them on the calendar so they can be explored a little at a time, giving you a chance to learn and understand what you're just beginning to delve into.
Click here to download a copy of the calendar (~23 MB PDF)
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